mardi 28 janvier 2014

A bit about Leslie

I was born in Providence, Rhode Island, USA, in 1963.
  Daydreaming in my swing, age 1.

My summers were spent at my grandmother’s cabin by a very large pond in New York. This is where my imagination flourished. My grandmother would take me out in her row boat to the lily pads and tell me stories from her childhood during the beginning of the 20th century.  Her father owned a country store with a wooden counter and a metal cash register that went ding! when you hit the Total button, the drawer clicking open. There was a glass display case with penny-candy jars: licorice whips, jelly beans and striped straws that I could almost taste if I closed my eyes.
Grandmother Clara Belle Scott, sitting pretty, 1928.

I liked it best when she told of the gypsy family who passed through once a year in their caravan on large wooden wheels. The youngest child would enter and help himself to the candies while the father stood stiff, arms crossed and scowling, by the door. My grandmother would stay small and quiet behind the counter as the women folk helped themselves to store goods. They always left without paying. The gypsies were beyond the law and beyond the social norms of the community. Though this didn’t inspire me to a life of crime, it did open my mind to the idea that some people lived lives of nonconformity.
In the evenings my grandmother and I would dress up with feather boas. My hair in an elegant French twist, I’d dance about then living room while she played the organ. She taught me the Charleston. At dinner she balanced a book on my head for good posture.

After high school I attended the University of the Arts and the Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts in Philadelphia. I graduated with honors, earning a BFA in painting and my teacher’s certification. I married and had three children, then divorced.
At my college graduation, 1986; my husband, my mother and me.

My second marriage was to a Frenchman in 1994. Embarking on a new adventure, the children and I moved to his home in France and I had my fourth child.  We enjoyed a happy 5 years together before he passed away.
 With my children in Hossegor, France, 1995.

My dog, Sam, and my partner of 15 years, Raffy, 2013.

Loving the discovery of new worlds and new expressions, I’ve explored a wide range of techniques from welding to wood-working, jewelry-making and cement work, even glass-blowing.  I always come home, though, to my first love—painting.

When I’m not working directly from life, I use photos to create my imaginary scenes. Attuned to my inner and outer worlds, my paintings spring forth and unfold as if from a powerful, mysterious source.

my love for animals

When I was growing up, my mom worked at a zoo. I hung out with with monkeys, camels, lamas and other beautiful beasts. I've always had a special bond and even a communication with animals.
Today I paint animals. They represent things for me. Lions, for example, are strength.


My little pig, Elvis, is my buddy. Handsome, isn't he?

vendredi 21 juin 2013

Dancing beauty; oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm

Moon Princess; oil on canvas, 80 x 80 cm

samedi 6 avril 2013

Bubble people

This large self portrait, a work in progress,
talks about inner space and outer space.
 The circles, or bubbles, represent people I meet in Life.


Here are some of the bubbles in detail:

The Nosey Neighbor

The Party-goers

The Sexy man

The Truth-teller

The Girlfriends

The Chinaman